
FlashSim error

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Dear Matias,

I am working on simulator FlashSim. I got the following error while try to run simulator.
test: ssd_bm.cpp:94: void ssd::Block_manager::get_page_block(ssd::Address&, ssd::Event&): Assertion `free_list.size() != 0' failed.
RUN FINISHED; Aborted; core dumped; real time: 480ms; user: 10ms; system: 130ms "

Please help me out to remove the above error so that I can simulate my research work on FlashSim. Kindly suggest me about how to give the trace file as input to FlashSim.

I will be very thankful for your suggestions.

Thanks & Regards

Shailesh Kumar

Research Fellow
MMM University of Technology, Gorakhpur


I got the same problem.

What I tried to do is to use different g++ version to -std=c++1y but it still remains the same.

I had the same problem.
I keep having this problem like this.

test: ssd_bm.cpp:94: void ssd::Block_manager::get_page_block(ssd::Address&, ssd::Event&): Assertion `free_list.size() != 0' failed.
