Cmd_Keys not implemented
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I have not found CMD_KEYS implemented in any MatrixOrbital code. I did find it implemented in the Riverdi code and extrapolated to get it into the Matrix Orbital code (nearly identical to the Cmd_Text). However the implementation seems to be somehow flawed. It shows the keys but with the extra "stacking" issue shown below.
Given a single row of keys, each key appears to be on top of a stack of (the same shaped) keys each shifted by a few pixels vertically.
Given multiple rows of keys, just the bottom row appears as above.
Is the EVE engine in the MatrixOrbital hardware not capable of this (hence the lack of current cmd_keys) or is it this implementation?
Here is my implementation..
void Cmd_Keys(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t font, uint16_t options, const char * str)
uint16_t DataPtr, LoopCount, StrPtr;
uint16_t length = (uint16_t)strlen(str);
// Create a data the same size as the string only make it in 32 bit chunks instead of 8 bit.
uint32_t* data = (uint32_t*) calloc((length/4)+1, sizeof(uint32_t));
// With a length of three this allocates int(3/4 + 1) == 1 uint32.
// Loop over the incoming string and combine 4 consecutive elements into a single data element.
StrPtr = 0;
//for(DataPtr=0; DataPtr<(length/4); DataPtr++, StrPtr += 4)
for(DataPtr=0; DataPtr<(length/4); DataPtr++, StrPtr += 4)
data[DataPtr] = (uint32_t)str[StrPtr+3]<<24 | (uint32_t)str[StrPtr+2]<<16 | (uint32_t)str[StrPtr+1]<<8 | (uint32_t)str[StrPtr];
// insert the remaining (less than 4) characters into the last element in data array.
for(LoopCount=0; LoopCount<(length%4); LoopCount++, StrPtr++)
data[DataPtr] |= (uint32_t)str[StrPtr] << (LoopCount * 8);
//printf("-- CMD_KEYS -- Size(%d), DataPtr(%d), LoopCount(%d), Data0(%x)\n", sizeof(data[0]), DataPtr, LoopCount, data[0]);
Send_CMD( ((uint32_t)y << 16) | x ); // Put two 16 bit values together into one 32 bit value - do it little endian
Send_CMD( ((uint32_t)h << 16) | w );
Send_CMD( ((uint32_t)options << 16) | font );
// Loop over the data array and send each 32 bit chunk to the display.
for (LoopCount = 0; LoopCount <= length / 4; LoopCount++)
Sorry, I just realized I did not place this in the correct spot. Moving to the Eve2 library.