
Sort Properties and Methods

Danny-Engelman opened this issue · 4 comments

Maybe sort the list, and collapse "private" ones usually marked with an underscore.

I've been looking to sort the props alphabetically and by category.

Making an opinionated choice to mark underscore props as private , and therefore behind a collapsible option is something I'll have to consider.

Maybe behind a checkbox for those who want this

And I just noticed... those properties are not capitalized in my source code.

Great tool BTW, I was working on something similar, shelved that project.

Yeah I capitalized them for clarity. It's on the chopping block whether I'll keep them that way.

Also, thanks ! 🤗 Spread the word!

I will be the first to spread the word not to use this tool, if it displays incorrect code info.

Display the method names (and everything else) as-is.

Here is the list of properties I record:

  • qid - Component ID, probably only useful for testing
  • depth - DOM level 0=root
  • host - getRootNode().Host (link to element)
  • parent - localName (link to element)
  • localName
  • id
  • childNodes
  • children
  • shadowRoot
  • styles
  • slots
  • shadowRoot_childNodes
  • shadowRoot_children