Sort Properties and Methods
Danny-Engelman opened this issue · 4 comments
I've been looking to sort the props alphabetically and by category.
Making an opinionated choice to mark underscore props as private , and therefore behind a collapsible option is something I'll have to consider.
Maybe behind a checkbox for those who want this
And I just noticed... those properties are not capitalized in my source code.
Great tool BTW, I was working on something similar, shelved that project.
Yeah I capitalized them for clarity. It's on the chopping block whether I'll keep them that way.
Also, thanks ! 🤗 Spread the word!
I will be the first to spread the word not to use this tool, if it displays incorrect code info.
Display the method names (and everything else) as-is.
Here is the list of properties I record:
- qid - Component ID, probably only useful for testing
- depth - DOM level 0=root
- host - getRootNode().Host (link to element)
- parent - localName (link to element)
- localName
- id
- childNodes
- children
- shadowRoot
- styles
- slots
- shadowRoot_childNodes
- shadowRoot_children