
IE8 support

kaukas opened this issue · 7 comments


I am working on a project that needs to support IE8+ and decided to use virtual-dom. I made this decision after reading comments on the issue #91 and a few other remarks that this project wants to stay compatible with older browsers.

I have gotten quite far with my implementation and IE8 actually works, to a point. I hit a bug this evening – an IE8 quirk that virtual-dom does not work around. I wanted to create a PR but after trying to run the test suite it seems nobody actually tests on IE8. For example, IE8 complains about "class" being a reserved name when used as an object property.

These are small things, easy to fix. However, the test suite still does not run on IE8. After 4-5 "unresponsive script" popups it consistently errors out on tests-bundle.js:2515 (something inside the process.nextTick implementation):

    return function nextTick(fn) {
        setTimeout(fn, 0);

I really do not know what this means but the whole test suite fails on IE8 (at least my experience). Could you please advise how I could submit a PR to fix an IE8 bug without a working test suite? With all the time invested so far I really need to fix that bug.

Thank you!

Can you push back on the IE8 requirement? XP users are the only ones stuck on IE8, most of the newer https settings aren't supported including SNI, the usage is tiny, and probably best to have IE8 users redirected to download the latest available Firefox or Chrome for XP... though both are dropping XP support IIRC.

Unfortunately, no. If that was an option I would have started with a different frontend stack in the first place. I chose virtual-dom as a component precisely because it supports IE8.

Once you are done please publish your fork or make a PR.

Any update on this?

Hello. I am sorry to say but with some effort I got nowhere and gave up on this.

I think it should be made clear that virtual-dom does not support IE8.

I think it should be made clear that virtual-dom does not support IE8.

virtual-dom does not support any browser at all, that's an important detail. There are no polyfills or browser-specific patches. The core of virtual-dom is compatible with IE6+ the last time I tested it. There are probably some things that have been added that are not compatible (certain hooks using the nextTick polyfill).

It probably depends on how you define "support". Personally I assert that the browser is supported if the test suite passes on it. The last time I tried virtual-dom test suite did not pass on IE8 (that could still be the case, see #223).

@Mouvedia, the issue you linked to seems to deal with bind not working on IE8. I am not sure how this is related to "unresponsive script" in the nextTick function.