
Percent size is not supported for elements attribute width/height

berdario opened this issue · 7 comments

virtualDom.create(virtualDom.h('img', {width: '100.0%'})).width

Will yield 0

That is not an acceptable DOM value. It's being dropped by the DOM not virtual-dom. Only a number (of pixels) is valid.

Is it? If I use the developer tools I can set 100% without any problem, in both Firefox and Chrome

it'd be ok to not accept it, but log when that's happening, rather than failing silently

Btw, I confirm that adding manually an element with document.body.appendChild(()=>document.createElement()...etc.etc.) yields an element with width 0

Weird how instead setting it in the devtools is possible...

it'd be ok to not accept it, but log when that's happening, rather than failing silently

No, it's not virtual-dom's job to reimplement huge chunks of complicated DOM APIs like that. The DOM's behavior is to drop invalid values. Better to be aware of that than avoid it.

@berdario When you set it in developer tools, you're setting rather than element.width. The solution is to use h('omg', { style: { width: '100%' } }). The style property uses the browser's layout engine, so use all the CSS units.

it'd be ok to not accept it, but log when that's happening, rather than failing silently

Unfortunately, as @bendrucker points out, the JS DOM API doesn't do anything when you set properties to invalid values or even when you try to write to a read-only property, in order for virtual-dom to warn or do anything in response, it would have to explicitly verify every property you set. On a large render, this would probably be at least a 2x slowdown — potentially a lot more after you cover all the bases.

It's more feasible for devs to know the DOM API, unfortunately.


Yup, I forgot to update you here, but I fixed this downstream (since I was an user of virtual-dom indirectly via purescript-halogen):


This has the advantage of preventing the errors for other developers unaware of the nuances between Element's width and CSS's width, while at the same time not having any impact/slowdown at runtime, since all of the checks are done at compile-time :)

I guess you can close this issue