
Is it dead?

haggen opened this issue ยท 9 comments

Last commit was more than a year ago. How's the future of this project looking? Any prospects?

inferno works in all the same places virtual-dom does and more. its also faster, has a simpler interface with fewer parts to manage and can be used to render svg as a normal out of the box ability. Development is active and maintainers are pro-active about merging in pull requests and responding to issues.

@haggen no one has responded to your comment for almost one month and there are 48 old un-merged pull requests.

Thanks for the reply @iambumblehead, but what you suggested is not quite the same. I just want the virtual dom part. Inferno (core only) has 110KB+ while this has around 45KB.

@haggen I didn't realize there was such a great difference in size.

Some experiences I've had that may be useful to you... I replaced virtual-dom with inferno in a web video-editing application and noticed observable performance improvements right away. I used snabbdom and morphdom as well, but found both to be less accurate/detailed in the adjustments they made when publishing a vtree compared to either inferno or virtual-dom.

Of those libraries, virtual-dom was the most accurate and inferno is the next most accurate. Morphdom was least accurate.

By 'accurate' I mean that snabbdom and morphdom tend to replace entire node hierarchies in the wrong way and they tend to replace the entire node, whereas virtual-dom or inferno would instead affect minimal changes redefining specific node attributes or textContent only.

Hey thanks a bunch for the remarks, really helpful, much appreciated!
I'll be looking further into Inferno and React for now.

udp commented

I'm still using vdom in a large project without any issues. Porting to inferno would take time, and I've no particular reason to. I see vdom as more "finished" than "dead".

Thank you for all the constructive suggestions.

Another great lib that we're using: snabbdom
It's fast, modular (you can augment the syntax of h() with your own modules) and very, very tiny.


It looks dead but finished to me.