
Searching for entities from Edit Entity Pin Link not behaving as intended

ghramsey opened this issue · 1 comments

I made a short video clip on this. When searching for an entity in the list has changed recently.

I was creating a speechscript from a speech and needed to copy those links one by one.
When I paste them into the search bar as the video shows the search fails. I do not think this is as intended.
And doing this used to work. I'm not sure when it changed.

Also, at the end of the clip. When I pasted the link into the box, it kept popping up a message that I had not completed all
the fields. This has actually not happened before, but is a side effect of this issue. Because the entity can't be searched
for it the field would not complete to the program's satisfaction.


I've changed this UI in the latest staging update to better reflect the new entity list