
Fast Return into an area with Time Distortion Generator fails

MattJeanes opened this issue · 0 comments

Reported by catradorasustainsme on Discord:

I attempted to use the Fast Return Protocol to land in an area with an active Time Distorter, and it created this when it failed to land:

[TARDIS] stack overflow
  1. GetTable - [C]:-1
   2. __index - lua/includes/extensions/entity.lua:29
    3. TimeDistortionsPresent - lua/entities/gmod_tardis/modules/sh_time_distortions.lua:8
     4. v - lua/entities/gmod_tardis/modules/sh_time_distortions.lua:80
      5. CallHook - lua/entities/gmod_tardis/shared.lua:70
       6. v - lua/entities/gmod_tardis/modules/teleport/sh_tp_failed.lua:96
        7. CallHook - lua/entities/gmod_tardis/shared.lua:70
         8. Mat - lua/entities/gmod_tardis/modules/teleport/sh_tp_main.lua:155
          9. HandleNoMat - lua/entities/gmod_tardis/modules/teleport/sh_tp_failed.lua:40
           10. Mat - lua/entities/gmod_tardis/modules/teleport/sh_tp_main.lua:156
            11. HandleNoMat - lua/entities/gmod_tardis/modules/teleport/sh_tp_failed.lua:40
             12. Mat - lua/entities/gmod_tardis/modules/teleport/sh_tp_main.lua:156
              13. HandleNoMat - lua/entities/gmod_tardis/modules/teleport/sh_tp_failed.lua:40
               14. Mat - lua/entities/gmod_tardis/modules/teleport/sh_tp_main.lua:156
                15. HandleNoMat - lua/entities/gmod_tardis/modules/teleport/sh_tp_failed.lua:40
                 16. Mat - lua/entities/gmod_tardis/modules/teleport/sh_tp_main.lua:156

On top of this, the TARDIS would not land even after setting a new destination mid-flight. However, the TARDIS is able to land just fine if the Distorter at the Fast Return location is deactivated, which I found out as a result of having the Distorter set up to a Wire button inside the TARDIS. All you need to do after its deactivation is use the throttle to rematerialise,