
A BBC Ceefax terminal/emulator in HTML5 & Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#ceefax.js A BBC Ceefax terminal/emulator in HTML5 & Javascript

ceefax.js is a reproduction of the original TV-based teletext system, developed by the BBC.


  • Embeddable into most web pages.
  • Works in any HTML5 based browser, that supports the <canvas> element.
  • Fully customisable, pages are loaded via JSON!
  • Pages can be looked up by typing their page numbers.

##So how do I use this?

Fortunately enough, ceefax.js can be up and running with a few lines of Javascript!
(...and a couple lines of CSS, if you really want to impress!)

// Load the data from JSON, for our personalised BBC News feed:
$.getJSON('testdata.json', function( data ) {
  $.each(data, function(i, a) {
    Ceefax.Pages.push(new CeefaxPage(a.page, a.category, a.headline, a.article));

// Now tell ceefax.js where to find canvas, and how often to update:
Ceefax.run("myCanvas", 1000/30);