Eureka!Note is a single-page, RESTful web application for online note taking, created with Ruby on Rails and React-Redux.
- Features
- Sign up, log in, and log out
- Create, edit, and destroy notebooks and notes
- Rich text-editing
- Tag Notes
- Coming soon
- Note Search
- Filter by Tags
- Ruby on Rails
- PostgreSQL (database)
- AJAX with a JSON API
- React
- Redux
- React-Quill (text editing)
- React-Search-Input (search)
- BCrypt (authorization)
- Devise (omniauth)
On the back end, Rails, using BCrypt, saves a password digest (not the actual password) to the database. To log in, a user's password is hashed and checked against what is saved.
The core functionality of Eureka!Note is in creating and editing notes. When a user logs in, they are directed to the All Notes page, a list of every note associated with their account.
Through the Notebooks page, users may see a notebook with only its notes. Tags can be added discretely to each individual note. Also, for a more spread out and minimalist view, a note can be expanded to take up the entire window.
Through React-Quill, Eureka!Note offers a number of common text-editing tools, such as multiple fonts, text color, bold, italic, underline, checkboxes and their more vanilla friends, ordered and unordered lists, links, image upload, etc.
Users can search for a keyword in either note title or body text, via the React-Search-Input component.