
how use it with quasar framework ?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I would like more docs to.

Other thing, can i use one google tag for each route i'm using?


userA/productA (this will have 1 google tag)
userA/productB (this will have another google tag)
userB/productC (this will have another google tag)

I wanna one google tag for each product, dynamicaly

I'd also like to have more information about using this with Quasar Framework.

This is vue-frameworks agnostic, so I do not know the specific needs of each vue framework.

Yes, is works with quasar.
Tested with "quasar": "^2.1.0":

npm install vue-gtag --save

create a boot file in /src/boot/vue-gtag.js:

import { boot } from "quasar/wrappers";
import VueGtag from "vue-gtag";

export default boot(({ app, router }) => {
      includes: [
          id: "G-XXXXXXXX",
      config: {
        id: "UA-XXXXXXX",
        params: {
          anonymize_ip: true,
      bootstrap: false,

Register it in quasar.conf.js:

boot: ["i18n", "axios", "vue-gtag"],

I use UA and GA4 in one setup. To comply with GDPR it's deactivated by default (bootstrap: false) until the user optIn. This script handles the bootstrap process and optIn / optOut in case the user later decides to optOut from tracking:

import { bootstrap, optOut, optIn } from "vue-gtag";
  bootstrapAnalytics(payload) {
    if (payload) {
      if (!window.gtag) { // already bootstrapped?
        bootstrap().then((gtag) => {});
    } else {