[iPhone 5s] ERROR: Unsupported model...
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debugster commented
Getting "ERROR: Unsupported model..." message.
- Computer Model: Hackintosh (Using SMBIOS of MacBookPro12,1)
- MacOS Version: 10.14.6
- Python Version: 3.8.3
- Vieux Version: 1.0.1
iOS Device
- Device: iPhone6,1
- Desired Version: iOS 10.3.3
Additional context
I dug around and noticed that the error message came from/due to device.py because my device model cannot be detected. I took three methods (getecid(), getmodel(), getapnonce()) from device.py to another script (test.py, in the same folder) to test whether those methods work or not. I found that, getecid() method works but other two does not.
from resources.ipwndfu import dfu
import re
import os
from contextlib import contextmanager
import sys
import time
import paramiko
import socket
import getpass
from scp import SCPClient
futurerestore = "resources/bin/futurerestore"
irecovery = "resources/bin/irecovery"
tsschecker = "resources/bin/tsschecker"
igetnonce = "resources/bin/igetnonce"
def getecid():
device = dfu.acquire_device()
serial = device.serial_number
print("Inside getecid():", serial)
found = re.search('ECID:(.+?) IBFL', serial).group(1)
#print("Your ECID is :", found)
return found
except AttributeError:
print('\033[91m' + "ERROR: Couldn't find ECID in serial" + '\033[0m')
def getmodel():
#print("Getting device model...")
cmd = igetnonce
so = os.popen(cmd).read()
print("Inside getmodel():", so)
found = re.search(', (.+?) in DFU mode', so).group(1)
#print("Your device is an ", found)
return found
except AttributeError:
print('\033[91m' + "ERROR: Couldn't get device model information" + '\033[0m')
found = "NULL"
return found
def getapnonce():
#print("Getting current ApNonce from device...")
cmd = igetnonce
so = os.popen(cmd).read()
print("Inside getapnonce():", so)
found = re.search('ApNonce=(.+?)\nSep', so).group(1)
#print("Your current ApNonce is :", found)
return found
except AttributeError:
print('\033[91m' + "ERROR: Couldn't get ApNonce from device" + '\033[0m')
print("# ECID:", getecid())
print("# Model:", getmodel())
print("# Apnonce:", getapnonce())
Here is the output after executing test.py.