Extract confidence bounds
Closed this issue · 1 comments
rokopi-byte commented
I'm doing the following in MATLAB to extract CI and plot them:
[~,pCov] = wbllike([parameters1(1),parameters1(2)],H-sogliaH);
[H_cdf_W, H_cdf_W_ci1,H_cdf_W_ci2] =wblcdf(H0,parameters1(1),parameters1(2),pCov,0.05);
I know I can plort CI directly in reliability, but.. how can I extract values and have something like H_cdf_W_ci1 and H_cdf_W_ci2 ?
MatthewReid854 commented
The following documentation provides an example of how the values from the confidence bounds can be extracted.
If you have further questions on how to do things, please send them via email. Github issues are reserved for errors in the code.