
HexMe is an open source hex editor licensed under the MIT License. Hexme has a feature rich command line interface based on the nCurses library.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


HexMe is an open source hex editor licensed under the MIT License. Hexme has a feature rich command line interface based on the nCurses library.

Animated gif preview of HexMe running in terminal.


  • HexMe will give different colors to different types of bytes. Allowing the user to easily identify null bytes, bytes that translate to valid ascii characters, etc.
  • HexMe can recognize a variety of file types by identifing the file header bytes, which it will give a unique color.


When commands need a string, it can either be surrounded by quotation marks to enable support for C-style escape sequences or if the string does not contain any escape sequences or spaces the quotation marks may be left out.

Syntax Description
exit The exit command exits the HexMe application.
open "path/to/file" The open command can be used to a different file.
goto [hex/dec] [index] The goto command can be used to move the cursor to a specific byte by giving the index of the byte, either in hexadecimal or decimal format. (If no format is given HexMe will assume the index is given in hexadecimal format).
find [first/next/last] "search query\n" The find command will move the curor to the first/next/last instance of the given search query. Where next in this case means: the first instance of the search query after the cursor.
insert "ascii chars or \xFF\x42\x79\x74\x65\x73\x00" The insert command will insert the given string at the cursor.
replace "ascii chars or \xFF\x42\x79\x74\x65\x73\x00" The replace command will replace the bytes after the cursor with the given string, extending the file if the replacement string is bigger than the space behind the cursor.

Upcomming features

Listed below is a list of features planned for the next version of HexMe:

  • Addition of a delete command allowing users to delete bytes.
  • Addition of a previous option to the find command effectively doing the same thing as the next option but backwards.


If you'd like to help please check out the CONTRIBUTE.md file.