
Problem with workers transfering

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Sometimes workers from extractors gets transferred to the natural and doesn't get refilled, delaying a lot the zergling speed, which delays a lot the BO after #142

Pls provide a replay
To me, it looks like the problem is that we make a random worker slide to the natural, without a
reason. There were 104 gas mined, but the last 8 were not returned.

the 104 are totally fine for mboost. once i am home i check this replay too.

I think I found the cause, it happens when there's a scouting worker and the drones from vespene go to counter that, and then the natural finishes and these drones get transferred to the natural (since they re the closest ones due to being pulled) ...this just happens vs madbot so its just a series of unlucky timings.

The problem is that they don't get refilled

but tehre was just one worker, why would we pull all drones?

We pulled 2 as we should, they were the ones that were on the extractor, ofc I could be totally wrong and the cause could be other, but it just happens vs madbot and the only thing different at that point is this scouting worker

the gas was 96 as the first gas drone got pulled of.