
Cannot create event with latest git

nwaelti opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm trying to follow the samples to create an event, but unfortunately, I'm getting this:
if (!(key in a)) {

TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'pGuid' in undefined
at Object.keys.forEach.key (/opt/varianteb/node_modules/iCloud-API/resources/helper.js:5:13)
at Array.forEach ()
at fillDefaults (/opt/varianteb/node_modules/iCloud-API/resources/helper.js:4:17)
at iCloud.createEvent (/opt/varianteb/node_modules/iCloud-API/resources/apps/Calendar.js:169:24)
at Object.main.(anonymous function) [as createEvent] (/opt/varianteb/node_modules/iCloud-API/resources/helper.js:84:27)
at iCloud. (/opt/varianteb/server/boot/routes.js:320:38)
at iCloud.emit (events.js:189:13)
at iCloud.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:459:23)
at sessionInit (/opt/varianteb/node_modules/iCloud-API/main.js:130:14)
Can somebody point me to what I'm doing wrong here ?