
How to run chime on google colab?

hafidh561 opened this issue · 5 comments

How to run chime on google colab?

No idea! I suppose you tried and it didn't work? I'll add a todo to take a look, but not sure it's possible because it's a remote computer.

I've tried it, if I haven't tried it, then I won't ask lol. Maybe in the future, you won't make it work on colab.

I've tried it, if I haven't tried it, then I won't ask lol.

I ask because you didn't really expand. Did you get an error message? A traceback maybe?

Maybe in the future, you won't make it work on colab.

Sorry, I don't understand this sentence. Can you clarify?

I ask because you didn't really expand. Did you get an error message? A traceback maybe?

No, just don't do anything. The sound not running. The cell runs normally.

Sorry, I don't understand this sentence. Can you clarify?

I can't run chime on google colab, maybe you want to fix this issue in the future.

Ok I'm not sure how to solve this the clean way, and I don't have a lot of time to investigate.

However, here's a hacky workaround:

import chime
import IPython

IPython.display.Audio(str(chime.themes_dir() / "zelda" / "success.wav"), autoplay=True)