
Markers for curves

Opened this issue · 1 comments

allow different markes (square, dot...) for a curve, selectable by the user.

Goal: differentiate better each plot

Due to how the plots are drawn (using datashader) this is not quite so easy. Datashader has very limited ways to draw lines, AFAIK (this may have changed in the last year, investigate) it's only possible to draw simple lines or points, and it's possible to set the shape of the points in some limited ways. But that's it, right now, unfortunately.

Also, due to the architecture, it's not currently possible to change any of this without redrawing the entire image.

It's worth considering that all the points are always drawn, and they can easily be in the hundreds of thousands or more. This means that e.g. drawing large markers for each point could make the plot very messy.