Neural Networks at FIIT

Environment setup

  1. Install docker. This should be easy for UNIX based systems. On Windows you might need to enable the virtualization in your BIOS. Windows 10 Home does not support Hyper-V virtualization, you need to upgrade it to Pro or Education version. You have these versions available as a student through MSDNAA.

  2. Clone this repository:

    git clone

  3. Use docker to download the image we will use for the labs (Use sudo on UNIX based systems):

    docker pull mpikuliak/nsiete

  4. From your repository folder, run the image as a container:

    For UNIX based systems:

    docker run -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -p 8888:8888 -v $(pwd):/labs -it mpikuliak/nsiete

    For Windows:

    docker run -p 8888:8888 -v c:/path/to/repo:/labs -it mpikuliak/nsiete

    You should only change the c:/path/to/repo. Leave the :/labs at the end of -v flag there.

    You should see something like this:


  1. Open the last link from the console in your browser. You should see the folders from this repository including week_1 folder with .ipynb Notebook. If you can run this notebook you should be all set.