Feature request: a more intelligent `@resolve` (support CIDR notation)
tst2005 opened this issue · 9 comments
I take whitelist IPs from a plaintext file.
I'm trying to resolv entries, but some of them are already IP or IP-range (CIDR).
I would like to have:
@def $whitelist = `grep '^[^#]\+' /etc/friends`;
domain (ip ip6) table filter chain INPUT {
saddr @ipfilter( ( @resolve( $whitelist ) ) ACCEPT;
There is my current code that split the file content:
@def $whitelist_to_resolve = `grep '^[^#]\+' /etc/friends| grep -v '^[0-9:./]*$'`;
@def $whitelist_direct = `grep '^[^#]\+' /etc/friends | grep '^[0-9:./]*$'`;
domain (ip ip6) table filter chain INPUT {
saddr @ipfilter( ( @resolve( $whitelist_to_resolve ) $whitelist_direct ) ) ACCEPT;
The code to test can be:
@def $whitelist_to_resolve = `echo github.com; echo testmyipv6.com`;
@def $whitelist_direct = `echo; echo 1:2:3:4:5:6:0/64`;
domain (ip ip6) table filter chain INPUT {
saddr @ipfilter( ( @resolve( $whitelist_to_resolve ) $whitelist_direct ) ) ACCEPT;
I dreams a more intelligent @resolve
function that is not tryting to resolve IP/IP-range.
I think @resolv()
can avoid resolution of entries that match ^[0-9:./]$
You mean like 562c810
Exactly !
In fact, not exactly.
It is better but it only support IP.
It does not support CIDR notation like:
(not always supported)0/0
if you need more stupid sample I can provide them ! :D
There is something strange ... You show me an (old) commit for ferm 2.3.1 but I'm using ferm 2.4 and it does not resolve IP ?
if 2,.4 is after 2.3.1 then I was suppose to be able to resolve IP at least.
It becomes unclear for me...
Maybe you shouldn't use ferm 2.4, because it's more than three years old.
Debian stable use old and stable things ;-)
I can easily update it to 2.5 (or newer version manualy) if necessary.
I just don't understand 562c810
the commit was done in 2016 in 2.3.1, exact ?
Why my current 2.4 version didn't include it ?
I just try to understand...
It is included, but look at the regular expression - it doesn't cover all the cases you cited.
Are you open to work together to extend those regular expression to cover CIDR notation ?
it seems not a so hard work:
for A: /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+(|\/\d+|\/\d+\.\d+.\d+\.\d+)$/
for AAAA: /^[0-9a-fA-F:]*:[0-9a-fA-F:]*(|\/\d+)$/
Do you prefer PR ?
if yes, a PR based on which tag ? (master? 2.4 ? 2.3.1 ?)
Yes, yes.