
Deployment Issues

gfleetwood opened this issue · 3 comments


Thanks for this! I was able to get a simple app deployed on but it didn't work on GitHub pages or Netlify. Wondered if you'd have any idea why.

What wasn't working about it?

My big secret is that PageCrypt is actually already hosted on GitHub Pages - my website just reverse-proxies it - so if it's not working on GitHub Pages for you, it's gotta be some configuration issue, which I would be happy to be a sounding board for.

GitHub pages gave me a 404 when it was working before - index.html being deployed from a docs subfolder - without adding the password. Since you ruled out the encryption itself, I looked at your repo and played around a bit:

  • Changed docs/index-protected.html to docs/index.html. Didn't work.

  • Copied index.html to the top level folder. Worked.

  • Deleted docs/. Worked. This surprised me since GitHub rightly complained in the repo's settings since the folder it was deploying from didn't exist.

  • Changed GitHub pages to point to the master branch instead of docs/. Worked. Also removed the complaining.

So got it working but I'm confused about my third try.

Glad you were able to get it working! I'm going to chalk this one up to the quirkiness of GitHub Pages settings. They've caused me trouble before, too.