Incorporate feedback from the user testing session
MaxLaumeister opened this issue · 1 comments
Here's the stream of consciousness from the user, from the testing session. User was a middle-aged adult with moderate computer knowledge.
the app is kind of small on the screen
had to "ctrl +" 3 times to make it bigger
the title font is too slender
the "clear notes" button is the most obvious on the page, and draws the eye
nothing happens when you hover over a square
"I'm just going to randomly click a bunch of these"
now i know "clear notes" means to clear the squares. I didn't know what clear notes meant
now going to click on the very first square (pitch correspondence?) top right, high pitch. lower right low pitch
by clicking you can turn them on and off
i think maybe each row has the same pitch - pitch goes on the vertical axis - horizontal i'm guessing is time
(makes descending sequence)
that's kind of nice
"now I wish there was a way to pause where i can think"
I see what that button up top is now, it's a tiny clipboard with an arrow
"I really wish I could make it all be quiet right now. like a pause button"
I could copy the code to my clipboard, but I have no idea what to do with the "code"
unless I was sent here from some other place that explained it
I went to and it asked me to install flash, flash wanted me to install Norton(talks)
Mute or pause icon is really needed
We don't need to automatically act on all this feedback, we should decide which parts of it are valid.