Unable to access jar file?
Confused3 opened this issue · 3 comments
Hey, you probably want to download the .jar file from here: https://github.com/MaxiHuHe04/iTunes-Backup-Explorer/releases/latest. You get a single file which you can run using the java -jar command.
If you have an M1/M2 Mac and this gives you some error message like "incompatible architecture" or "UnsatisfiedLinkError", download and install another Java distribution from here: https://www.azul.com/downloads/?version=java-21-lts&os=macos&architecture=arm-64-bit&package=jdk-fx#zulu.
Thank you!
I'm getting "UnsatisfiedLinkError" after downloading the Java distribution and I think it's because I'm not sure how to properly install it. It's downloaded to my desktop but no Setup Wizard shows up when I double click the folder; only the folder's contents show up. Entering "<zulu21.30.15-ca-fx-jdk21.0.1-macosx_aarch64>/bin/java -version21.0.1" yields "Operation not permitted" and "<installation_folder/bin/java -version21.0.1" yields "No such file or directory." Do you know what I'm doing wrong?
I don't have a Mac, so I can't try. But you probably want to select the .dmg file instead of .zip/.tar.gz when downloading Zulu. Here is an installation guide: https://docs.azul.com/core/zulu-openjdk/install/macos