
Backup corrupt after photo delete

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I'm having an issue similar to what others have reported. I ran into the "not enough space" issue when trying to restore a backup of an iPhone 13 onto a different, identical iPhone 13. My plan was to use iTunes-Backup-Explorer to delete photos, there by reducing the backup size.

Working on a copy of the original backup, I used version 1.4 to open the backup and navigated to the CameraRollDomain. I expanded Media and selected DCIM, right clicked and selected delete. Once the deletion process completed, I quit the application and proceeded to restore the backup to the iPhone using Finder on my Mac. After the restore process ran for about an hour, it abruptly aborted, gave a message indicating the backup was corrupt, and rebooted the iPhone.

Any ideas how I can solve this problem or how the backup became corrupted? Should I have deleted the folders below DCIM?
