
no-redundant-jsdoc in healthcare API

Maxim-Mazurok opened this issue · 0 comments

 * Queries all data_ids that are consented for a specified use in the given consent store and writes them to a specified destination. The returned Operation includes a progress counter
 * for the number of User data mappings processed. Errors are logged to Cloud Logging (see [Viewing error logs in Cloud
 * Logging]( For example, the following sample log entry shows a `failed to evaluate consent policy` error that occurred
 * during a QueryAccessibleData call to consent store `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}/datasets/{dataset_id}/consentStores/{consent_store_id}`. ```json jsonPayload: {
 * @type: "" error: { code: 9 message: "failed to evaluate consent policy" } resourceName:
 * "projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}/datasets/{dataset_id}/consentStores/{consent_store_id}/consents/{consent_id}" } logName:
 * "projects/{project_id}/logs/" operation: { id:
 * "projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}/datasets/{dataset_id}/operations/{operation_id}" producer: "" } receiveTimestamp:
 * "TIMESTAMP" resource: { labels: { consent_store_id: "{consent_store_id}" dataset_id: "{dataset_id}" location: "{location_id}" project_id: "{project_id}" } type:
 * "healthcare_consent_store" } severity: "ERROR" timestamp: "TIMESTAMP" ```
queryAccessibleData(request: {
ERROR: 2736:17  no-redundant-jsdoc  JSDoc tag '@type' is redundant in TypeScript code.