
Apps that use FlashWindow / FlashWindowEx will not flash if Inject ConEmuHk.dll is active

nafonso opened this issue · 2 comments


ConEmu build: 221218 x64
OS version: Windows 10 x64
Used shell version (Far Manager, git-bash, cmd, powershell, cygwin, whatever):
cmder with clink, cmd, powershell, all have the same behaviour.

Problem description

When launching an app that makes use of FlashWindow / FlashWindowEx apis, if Inject ConEmuHk.dll is selected, the window will not flash.

Steps to reproduce

Don't have an app I can send you atm, but steps are

  1. Run app that calls FlashWindow( handle, 1);
  2. Notice how the icon on the taskbar will not flash
  3. Disable Inject ConEmuHk.dll
  4. Re-run app that calls FlashWindow

Actual results

With ConEmuHk.dll inject it doesn't flash

Expected results

It should always flash.

Additional files

Which handle do you use to flash?


I use the window handle I get from glfw, here's how I'm calling it
The console options I haven't touched, they look like