
Do not displays all UTF-8

milen-prg opened this issue · 8 comments

Almost all unicode symbols are displayed properly, but some, like

displays as square with ? inside.

jplusc commented

Hi there. I'd just like to expand on this a bit. having some chars rendered as [?] actually causes issues with some newer text-UI programs such as textual.

doing this:

pip install "textual[dev]"
python -m textual

should render a nice text-ui demo program, but the linedraw characters are all [?]'s causing unexpected scrolls and messing up the display. looking instead like this:

The reason I bring it up is because MS's windows terminal renders this fine and I don't want conemu to fall behind feature wise.

this was tested on a variety of installs, but the latest being:
conemu 221218 stable x64
on windows 11 x64 [Version 10.0.22621.1702]
using: {Shells::cmd (Admin)}

I would be happy to test anything needed, or provide more information.

No, for me the example python -m textual is ok, also more of the UTF-8 are ok, but some of them like:
∘, ⊻ are displayed as small [?].
I use Windows 10 Pro 64bit and indeed the problem is not only with ConEmu, but in ConsoleZ, standard cmd, PowerShell, etc. (Only in Editors the all utf-8 symbols shows ok.)

jplusc commented

are you able to share what your font settings are so I can test?
settings -> general -> fonts

also, if you run "%programfiles%"\ConEmu\ConEmu\Addons\utf-8-test.cmd what does it show as your Active code page? mine is 65001



In Environments is added:
chcp utf-8


But when I try in julia:
\circ TAB
Result is:


dai commented


Have you tried Monospace unchecked?

I tryed below in julia 1.9.2 x64

\circ TAB
Result is: ◯


@dai, I play with the settings. For me, the Main Console Font is set to Source Code Pro Black and its full Unicode font, my favorite, but not all graphic symbols displays properly - for example the Julia \circ.
I try that no of the setting as Monospace have some effect over this.
But I try the next:

"Alternative font (pseudographics...)"

If here is set Source Code Pro font, the symbols do not displays, but I try to set (only here) font JuliaMono Black, which is recommended for work with Julia lang as supporting all symbols and all works properly.

dai commented


Sorry for closing.
On a side note, I'm using this Ligature 💯
its incl JuliaMono!

Juisee は、欧文フォント JuliaMono と日本語フォント LINE Seed JP を合成したプログラミング向けフォントです