
Change color scheme in ConEmu.Control.Winforms

mateasmario opened this issue · 0 comments


ConEmu build: ConEmu.Control.WinForms
OS version: Windows 11 x64

Problem description

I'm integrating ConEmu's terminal inside my Winforms app, which resembles a lightweight code editor. Everything works well. Some problem I'm facing right now relies on how customizable is such an instance of ConEmu inside Winforms.

My code editor features two themes: light and dark, and while I agree the default (green-ish) color scheme for the ConEmu terminal looks amazing already, I would like to dynamically change its colors, based on the chosen theme of my app (so I would like the terminal to be able to have a black and a white BackColor).

My question would be: am I able to do this, using the already existent Winforms API? I tried looking in the examples you provided on GitHub, but didn't find any info related to the terminal customization. Is it possible to programatically do such changes inside the C# wrapper?

Thank you.