
perl debugger ('perl -d' command) can't be used in latest CON_EMU versions.

skh43s opened this issue · 1 comments


I am using perl as main language.

I am using old CON_EMU 150621 version as perl language console in WINDOW7 PC.

Oftenly, I use perl debugger (perl -d command) in this old version console.

Recently, I bought new PC ( WINDOW10 )

I installed newer version CON_EMU_230724 in this PC.

But I Couldn't use perl debbuger in this CON_EMU 230724.

All program codes run and end automatically, Instead of waiting debugger Prompt !!!

( ConEmu_160416,ConEmu_170118,ConEmu_190108 malfunctions in the same way as CON_EMU_230724 )

But this incomprehensible problem does not appear in default Windows Command Prompt or old CON_EMU_150621.

But OLD CON_EMU version malfunctions in mouse button copy action containing blanks. (WIN10 PC)

Can I use perl debbuger (perl -d command) in latest CON_EMU version.

PS. This problem does not appear in Python debugger (py -m pdb).

I solved problem.

Features/Inject ConEmuHk of ConEmu settings was cause.

I always enabled this setting in WIN7.

But this setting must be disabled in WIN10, if you want use perl debugger.

I don't know internal cause yet.