
This repository houses a UiPath automation solution tailored for Invoice Extraction in RPA workflows. Tasked with reading each table row and extracting invoice details from each invoice photo through OCR, the solution outputs a CSV file with the extracted data alongside the table's ID and Due Date, specifically for two invoice suppliers.

MIT LicenseMIT

UiPath RPA Challenge

Invoice Extraction with OCR

GitHub License: MIT Platform - UiPath RPA

This repository hosts an UiPath automation solution designed to address the RPA challenge of Invoice Extraction outlined in the requirements below.


  1. The goal of this challenge is to create a workflow that will read every table row and download the respective invoices.
  2. From the invoices, you will have to extract the Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Company Name and Total Due through Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
  3. You will have to build and upload a CSV file with the data extracted from each invoice, the ID and Due Date from the table, only for the invoices for which the Due Date has passed or is today.
  4. The actual countdown of the challenge will begin once you click the Start button and will end once the CSV file is uploaded; until then, you may play around with the table on the right without receiving penalties.
  5. Below is the snapshot of an example CSV file in order to see the required format for the end result and two sample invoices. The formats of the invoices will be exactly as in the samples and they will not change. The challenge expects the uploaded CSV to be in the exact same format as the example CSV, including the formatting of the cells, and the rows should be in the same order as they appear in the table. Any difference will result in a failed challenge.


You can check out the automation demo video for the solution below:


Please note that as of 12 April 2024, the server for rpachallenge.com seems neglected and unable to score the output results. It will consistently display a failed status in the end, regardless of whether the uploaded CSV file matches the correct result. Please disregard the challenge website's score rating for your uploads.


Before installing UiPath Softwares, please make sure your system meets the hardware and software requirements outlined in the UiPath documentation.

The Uipath Platform includes the following tools:

  • UiPath Studio
  • UiPath Assistant
  • UiPath Automation Cloud, including UiPath Orchestrator
To run this project successfully, please follow these steps to install UiPath Studio:

Step 1 : Visit uipath.com and click Try UiPath Free button.

Step 2: Sign up for a personal account.

Step 3: Verify your account in email.

Step 4: Log into the UiPath Automation Cloud using your account, and click the Download Uipath Studio button.

Step 5: Click Sign in.

Step 6: Select UiPath Studio Pro.

Step 7: Follow the system instructions to complete the installation of UiPath Studio Pro.

Please also follow these steps below to connect your local machine to the UiPath Automation Cloud for deploying this workflow (if desired):

Step 1: Sign up and log into UiPath Automation Cloud.

Step 2: Add a Tenant.

Step 3: Edit the user and assign the Automation Users role to grant them permission to execute processes.

Step 4: Go to the Orchestrator interface and click on Tenant in the left pane.

Choose Folders and then click the + icon to create a new folder.

Step 5: Navigate back to Tenant interface and follow the steps below to start adding an Automation User for Unattended Robot in Manage Access.

a) Scroll down to locate the target user, then assign the Automation User role to grant them the necessary permissions. Click Next button to move on to the next page.

b) In the Personal automations setup page, select the options to Enable user to run automations and Create a personal workspace for this user and enable optimal Studio Web experience, then click on the Next button.

c) On the Unattended setup page, check the option to Enable this user to run unattended automations, choose Specific Windows credentials for local machine connection to Orchestrator, provide Domain\Username of your user account on local machine (which can be found by executing whoami in Command Prompt), and enter the Password for accessing your local machine. Finally, click on the Update button.

Step 6: Now, go to the Machines page where you should see the workspace machine for the target user already created. Click the ellipsis to select Edit Machine.

Enter 1 for both the Production (Unattended) and Testing fields, then click the Update button.

Step 7: Now return to the newly created folder, choose the Machines menu, and click Manage Machines in Folder button to assign the machine you just configured to the folder.

You should now have both the User and Machine assigned to the new folder.

Step 8: Open UiPath Assistant and click Sign In. If you see the green circle in the top right corner, you’ve successfully connected your local UiPath Studio to the UiPath Automation Cloud.

You can confirm the connection by opening UiPath Studio and checking for a green circle at the bottom.

To publish a process from UiPath Studio to Orchestrator, switch to the new folder you just created in the Orchestrator, and then click to Publish the process as a package.

To learn more about other best practices on Orchestrator, please refer to the Orchestrator User Guide.


To run the RPA workflow on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Either download this repository to your local machine or clone it directly within your UiPath Studio.
  2. Open the UiPath Studio software on your machine.
  3. Locate and open the Main.xaml file from the downloaded repository in UiPath Studio.
  4. Run the Main.xaml file to start the RPA process.


I would like to express my gratitude to the UiPath community for providing resources, tutorials, and a platform for automation enthusiasts to learn and collaborate.


This project is licensed under the MIT License, which means you're free to modify, distribute, and use the code in your own projects.