Data visualization dashboard for SWAPI
|- idex.html
|- index.js _______________________________ # Application entry
|- App.js _________________________________ # Application init
| |- Action/ _____________________________ #
| |- Components/
| |- bar_chart.jsx
| |- loader.jsx
| |- nav_bar.jsx
| |- pagination.jsx
| |- table.jsx
| |- Styles/ _____________________________ # sass
| |- Utilities/ __________________________ # helper functions
1- Clone the repository
git clone
2- yarn
or npm install
to install npm packages
3- start dev server using yarn start
or npm start
3- build and bundling your resources for production npm build
4- Unit testing will watch all your changes in the test files as well as create coverage folder for you.
yarn test
npm test
- navigate to starwars-data-visualization/
npm start
. listening on port 3000.