
Add tags for stable-ish versions

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hey, I've been going through your work on this, and it's pretty sweet-- nice work!

I've noticed that there's no tags for stable versions (like the versions in the tech demos), meaning that I'm unable to test the engine and play around with it at those points in time.

Thanks a lot for your feedback!

I never really thought anyone would use it besides me, so I didn't take it into account. At the moment the game will probably not run, but I believe it works around the commit,

But to be honest, I am not completely sure. I know, that the version I had when releasing a playable tech demo is stable - if you are interested, I can send it to you.

Awesome, thanks! I'll get around to testing with that.

The reason I ask is because I've been profiling your code to see the bottlenecks (and attempt to fix them) but the commit that I forked your code from is a bit half-baked.

If you are interested, I have made the most recent version stable.


I looks forward to see, if you find anything interesting!