
Powershell Get-Date (Universal Time)

MaynardMiner opened this issue · 1 comments

I noticed that linux powershell is being wishy-washy with converting current time to universal time. This may cause some weird stat-fluctuations after 24 hours, which effect long-term hashrate cacluations. I'm working on how to make a linux shell script to call UTC time. At least this is happening with my version.

For now, I recommend running miner in Static benchmark mode after bench-marking (Close Miner, Open Configuration file you are using, set StatInterval to 1000 like instruction in file).

This bug only happens near/after 24 hours of mining, and will not happen if you are not using Dynamic Hashrate mode (Which is advised not to use anyways if you are mining algos like x16r).

I will patch very soon.

I figured out this was not a time issue, but rather an issue that was a result of index corruption. Miner has been fixed with new benchmarking coding.