
Can't navegate to next or previous images

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I cannot navigate through the images, neither by clicking on the image, nor by clicking on the navigation arrows, nor with the keyboard arrows.

If I enter an image number 15 (for example, it happens with any image number), it lets me go forward or backward only ONE time (14-16), but if I want to go back to 15 or move to another image I need to reload the page [F5] move once and reload again

It is this script because the moment I deactivate it in Tampermonkey I can navigate perfectly without reloading and it is the only thing interacting with the page

The Chrome version im using is 118.0.5993.118 if that helps

Same here with Brave.
Version 1.59.124 Chromium: 118.0.5993.117

As a workaround, uncheck "Fit images to screen instead of width in the basic image viewer and add a button to temporarily toggle the fit" in the options (under "View options features").

It seems that something changed on e-hentai and that option doesn't work properly anymore, causing an exception to be thrown.