
add location identifiers to fw13 metadata

Closed this issue · 1 comments

One of the issues we will encounter is that some RAWS stations have been moved. Sometimes they are moved to an entirely new location and sometimes they are "repositioned" at the "same location".

What constitutes the "same location" depends on many things:

  • the nature of the physical processes being sampled
  • the goals of the scientific experiment being conducted
  • the intention of people on the ground doing the repositioning

We built the MazamaLocationUtils package specifically for dealing with this.

After some interaction with one of the USFS AirFire scientists, we decided that 100m is a reasonable radius for defining a RAWS "known location".

For this task, I would like you to become familiar with the MazamaLocationUtils package and use it to create a raws_knownLocationTable that will live in the rawDataDir you set. (I recommend using ~/Data/RAWS.)

Once this table is created, it should be used to add the following columns to the fw13 metadata.

  • locationID -- from raws_knownLocationTable
  • deviceDeploymentID -- = `_

This enhanced metadata table should also be saved in rawDataDir.

Please create a script in local_eli/ that does all this. We want to include this work in the package eventually, but I'm not yet sure where or how. We have a chicken-and-egg/bootstrapping issue here and I'm open to suggestions.

Here is a plot of "FW13" archival data along with "WRCC" latest data that shows how locations range from "identical" to "very close" to "far apart".
