
wavy visual effect when using the dock

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Great work! But is it possible to remove the light "wavy" visual effect when using the core with the Analogue Dock?

Seconded. But if it's intentional - a toggle option would be great

from the

There is a bug being addressed by Analogue on the output at this moment and we hope they can report back on what is causing the video to move over on random lines.


What will be the next update?
Fix up the video output on the dock - This looks to be a bug in the Analogue APF on sending the Framebuffer out the HDMI port. They are aware and confirming details for me.

So it's not intentional. However, if we have to wait for Analaogue to fix it that can take a long time... ☹️

This is fixed with Analogue OS 2.0

limi commented
