
Can not receive messages bigger than 127 characters

Closed this issue · 5 comments


for some reason i am not able to receive messages that are longer than 127 characters.
I subscribed to a topic and i receive the message when it´s published to the broker only if the length of the payload is shorter than 127 bytes.

Here is the debug output:
libmqtt: Connecting to: tls://
libmqtt: Connected to MQTT
libmqtt: Package received, but it doesn't match subscriptions

It seems like something is wrong in the processMessage method?

Is it possible that this library does Not Check the continuation Bit of Byte 2 in the mqtt Header?

I can now confirm, that the issue is libmqtt does not parse the variable length bytes correctly.
I implemented a hotfix to allow messages bigger than 127 bytes in my fork here:

It´s just a dirty hack for my usecase to work.
A real fix should allow up to four bytes for the lenght in the fixed size mqtt-header

Hi, thank you for the bug report. If you happen to have enough time, would you be able to create a test that fails to this issue? It would be easier to verify that the bug is really fixed and that it doesn't creep back in later on.


i dont know if i find the time to create an automated test.
But you could do the following:

  • Connect to some broker
  • Subscribe to some topic for example: /foo/bar
  • Publish the following message to /foo/bar

You will see that the message will not be correctly parsed by libMqtt.
If you setVerbosity to 2 in libmqtt you will see the output mentioned in my first post.



Hi, problem is now fixed in version 1.0.3