Create CompatSlotItemHandler
Closed this issue · 5 comments
I'd like to see a new class, mcjty.lib.compat.CompatSlotItemHandler, which extends net.minecraftforge.items.SlotItemHandler, and implements getX, getY, setX, setY, onTake, and onPickup for it.
I'm working with CompatLayer, and attempting to reimplement my class extending SlotItemHandler. However, I use onTake (which is not a method in 1.10.2) and to use CompatSlot I would have to re-implement all the logic in Forge's SlotItemHandler.
I can't find an onTake() in 1.11 either? What onTake do you mean?
net.minecraft.inventory.Slot#onTake(EntityPlayer thePlayer, ItemStack stack)
I am on Forge 1.11.2-13-20.0.2252.
Sorry for the delay. Will try to deal with this later today if I find the time
Ok, working on this. Note that only onTake is needed as CompatSlot.getX also works on SlotItemHandler
Fixed next release (hopefully later)