
Your mod The One Probe has a conflict with the mod Retro Damage Indictors

Opened this issue · 8 comments

TheOneProbe v1.20.1-10.0.2
I have already discussed this topic with your colleague who also made a mod with mob name damage display etc..
Link here:

Sorry but it's not clear to me what the problem is. Screenshots don't do it for me. Can you describe the issue?

Apparently there is a problem with both when they are displayed, which causes the Retro Damage Indicators Mod to display incorrectly the names of mobs and animals etc... I can't tell you what the problem is, but I can say that if I remove your mod, the other one runs without any problems. This also happens in single player.
That's why I asked for your cooperation so that you can look in the code to see where the problem lies.

Might be useful to add screenshots showing how it should look without The One Probe as I don't know that other mod. I don't see any problem but that's probably because I don't know how it is supposed to look

ok, here 2 screeshot exemple
2024-09-08_09 24 45
2024-09-08_09 24 49

Sorry I don't see it. What's the problem?

Describe it in words. I'm not visually oriented. I always have trouble seeing issues on screenshots

You want a written description?

retrodamageindicators-1.0.1 + TheOneProbe v1.20.1-10.0.2 creates a bug with the name display in mod retro damage indicators.
2024-09-08_10 11 09

retrodamageindicators-1.0.1 without TheOneProbe v1.20.1-10.0.2 no conflict with the name display in mod retro damage indicators.
2024-09-08_10 14 49

I don't know the real reason because it happens in the code, no error message is displayed otherwise I would upload it immediately.
As a player you can't explain it better, I hope you now see that there is a problem.

i hope of a fix

omg xD
Similar mods here too. It almost looks like it's because of Retro Damage Indicators if it has conflicts with 2 mods.