
Primary LanguageJavaScript

mini-birds-mongoose (Part I)

Goal: Build a bird sighting API in Express using four common CRUD operations in MongoDB using MongoJS.

Sample Data

Note the following, expanded sample data for bird sightings.

  "name": "red breasted merganser",
  "order": "Anseriformes",
  "status": "least concern",
  "confirmed": true,
  "numberSeen": 2
  "name": "cedar waxwing",
  "order": "Passeriformes",
  "status": "least concern",
  "confirmed": false,
  "numberSeen": 5
  "name": "osprey",
  "order": "Accipitriformes",
  "status": "least threatened",
  "confirmed": true,
  "numberSeen": 2
  "name": "snowy plover",
  "order": "Charadriformes",
  "status": "extinct",
  "confirmed": true,
  "numberSeen": 7

Step 1: Clone the repo

Create your Express.js app by cloning this repository.

Step 2: Install the NPM modules

npm install

Step 3: Test it

Start your application by running:

node server.js

Test each of your endpoints in Postman with the following URLs:

  • POST /api/sighting
  • GET /api/sighting?region=america
  • PUT /api/sighting?id=some-id
  • DELETE /api/sighting?id=some-id

If everything's working, you'll see console output each time you hit your endpoints.

Step 4: Start mongod

Start the mongo daemon in a separate terminal window.

Step 5: Require and connect to Mongo

Now, require the Mongoose module, and create a database by connecting to it in server.js. Name your database birds-mongoose.

HINT: Read the documentation

Step 6: Create a Sighting schema and model

In a separate file called, 'Sighting.js', create a schema for the Sighting collection using the sample data above.

Your schema should:

  • Give each property a data type.
  • Make name lowercase, and required.
  • Restrict the length of order to 20.
  • Enumerate possible values for status; make them lowercase.
  • Ensure numberSeen is greater than 0.
  • Set confirmed to false by default.

Now, define a model for your schema, and add it to the file's exports.

Finally, declare a var for your Sighting model in server.js.

Step 7: Upgrade 'POST' endpoint to record a sighting

Upgrade your POST endpoint with code to create a sighting document from the body of the request, using your Sighting model.

Use sample data from sightings.json in your request body.

HINT: Read the documentation for saving with models.

For steps 7 through 10, test each of your endpoints again.

Step 8: Upgrade 'GET' endpoint to retrieve a sighting

Modify the GET endpoint to retrieve all sightings with a given status, as stated in the request query.

Step 9: Upgrade 'PUT' endpoint to modify a sighting's order

Update your PUT endpoint to accept a body modifying an existing sighting's order field. Use the id parameter in the query string to identify the sighting to change.

Return the newly updated sighting in your response.

Step 10: Upgrade 'DELETE' endpoint to delete a sighting

Update your DELETE endpoint to delete a sighting document by id in the query string.


© DevMountain LLC, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from DevMountain, LLC is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to DevMountain with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

mini-birds-mongoose (Part II)

Expand on yesterday's project to support Birds and Users.


  • Practice embedded relationships.
  • Practice reference relationships.

We will:

  • Add a User model.
  • Add a Bird schema.
  • Refactor our Sighting model to support User via reference, and Bird via an embedded document.
  • Add a POST endpoint for User.
  • Adjust our GET endpoint for the Sighting model.

Prep Step: Change db name

To avoid data collisions, let's change the db name to birds-mongoose-2.

Step 1: Understanding our Data Structure

Identify the type of relationships we will be creating.


  "user": "aUserID",
  "birds": [{
    "name": "red breasted merganser",
    "order": "Anseriformes",
    "status": "least concern"
    "name": "cedar waxwing",
    "order": "Passeriformes",
    "status": "least concern"
  "confirmed": true,
  "numberSeen": 2
  "user": "aUserID",
  "birds": [{
    "name": "osprey",
    "order": "Accipitriformes",
    "status": "least concern"
  "confirmed": false,
  "numberSeen": 1


  "email": "doh@msn.com",
  "username": "homersimpson2000",
  "level": 98,
  "location": "Springfield",
  "member": true
  "email": "da.swamp@crocs.com",
  "username": "ridnick1",
  "level": 2,
  "location": "Louisiana",
  "member": false

Step 2: Create the Bird schema to be embedded into the Sighting model

In a new file, Bird.js, create a Bird schema using properties from the existing Sighting model. Name, order, and status will be the properties moved to our Bird object.

Step 3: Create the User Model

In a new file, User.js, create a User model with the schema properties email, username, level, location, and member.

Declare a var referencing your User model in server.js.

Step 4: Refactor our Sighting Model

Add a property to the Sighting schema called user that will create a relationship between a User and and Sighting. Each Sighting should be required to be related to only one User. A user may have multiple sightings.

Add another property called bird that will store embedded data related to a specific bird when a new sighting is created.

Step 4: Add POST for User

Add a POST endpoint for creating new users: /api/users. Test it with real data.

Step 5: Refactor Sighting Endpoints

  • POST a new /api/sighting, this time using the new Sighting data and a User id.
  • When GET /api/sighting is requested make sure to populate it with User data before returning it to the client.
  • Make it possible for the client to request sightings for a specific user by through sending the user id as a part of the request query in addition to status.


© DevMountain LLC, 2016. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from DevMountain, LLC is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to DevMountain with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.