Metadata fields in Humdrum
Opened this issue · 1 comments
For direct export to Humdrum, it would be nice to include the meta fields that the encoder fills in on the editing page. Here is a basic demo of what it would look like:
!!!OTL: Je sui aussi
!!!COM: Machaut, Guillaume de
!!!part: [TENOR]
!!!mpcatalog: B20
!!!AGN: Song
!!!siglum: MachA
!!!ONB: Original clefs for this source: c1 c2 c4
!!!ONB: Ten 45.1 pitch missing in MS
!!!ENC: encoder's name
!!!END: encoding date
**mens **text
*black *
*clefC4 *
[LG .
SF#] .
sG .
MF .
ME .
[LD .
S:C .
sD .
[SF .
SG .
LA] .
LD .
LF# .
MG .
sd .
Mc .
Me .
Md .
Mc .
MB- .
LA .
[LG .
SF] .
MG .
MF# .
MG .
MD .
LF .
Lr .
MG .
MF .
MG .
MD .
LF# .
MG .
sd .
Mc .
[sB- .
sA .
LG] .
Lr .
[SA .
LB] .
[sA .
sG] .
s:F .
MG .
[sF .
sE .
SD] .
Sr .
=- =-
*- *-
OTL means title, COM is the composer (COA for attributed composer, COS for suspected composer). and so on. Lower case records are made up keys (for unofficial metadata keys that may be specific to a particular repertory). ONB is a free-form comment.
The meta data can be either at the top or bottom of the score. Typically the main ID for the score is at the top, such as the composer, title, manuscript, page, and the other metadata entries more for bookkeeping are placed at the bottom of the score.
You could optionally use this to pass the metadata to the program that inserts the MEI header, or it could just be a copy extracted from the webpage at the same time it is saved for inserting into MEI. The standardized fields such as title, composer, encoder, encoder date would then be already inserted into header in the Humdrum-to-MEI conversion (probably where expected, but that could be adjusted if not).
@JRegimbal these are Craig's suggestions for including some basic metadata also in the Humdrum file - perhaps this would be useful to include if it's straightforward.