
Can't create mixing bowl in begin of the game

Closed this issue · 3 comments

kosc commented


Trying to create mixing bowl to get bronze.
To create mixing bowl I need robot arm chisel tip, chisel, or pocket multitool (chisel).
But to create simplest tool (I presume it's chisel), I need Steel Chisel head, with I can't get on this step of the game.

wrong issue tracker by the way. also you already told me in chat, and that is way more than enough to let me know about an issue. ;)


The issue is fixed in GT6 Indev by the way. Should be released whenever I release it.

And yes I somehow got back stuck at GT6 instead of working on Mechaenetia. I blame the "where the heck do I even start" syndrome, the easy availability of working on GT6, and brand new 1.7.10 Mods appearing out of nowhere to add Compatibility for GT6 to.