
First issue

Closed this issue ยท 12 comments

Just want to say cheer

Hehe, well technically not the first Issue, if you check the closed ones. I will keep this one open for a bit, maybe people just wanna talk or something, and I did not start properly yet, since I still need to get GT6 done. ^^

I left a message on IRC but I don't know if you check that often. Good luck with all this! I hope it goes well ๐Ÿ˜„

I just remembered the fact that I'm technically a moderator of /r/gregtech, so if you want the subreddit for this game, I'm happy to give it up to anyone who wants it! If you want this to be distinct from GregTech, maybe a /r/Mechaenetia? Or did you want things to be confined to the forum? Anyway, I'm offering /r/gregtech if you (or anyone else) wants it ๐Ÿ˜„

And I'll definitely be making some mods for this when it's ready for it, and maybe any open issues too, depending on how u feel about contributors. It's just the excuse I needed to get gud at Rust.

You left a Message on IRC? I pretty much check it almost nonstop when I am awake, so which Channel were you on and as which Username? I am only on #gt-dev on Espernet.

I will put GT6 on GitHub, while keeping it as "my" Project just to supervise it ofcourse. Still learning how to GitHub properly, and I want to finish GT6 before actually putting it out in the wilds of GitHub. ^^

As for Reddit, it's more of a Community Website than an official Site. Just make sure it doesn't turn toxic and it should be fine.

Yeah it was on that channel, username 'crdlpls' (as opposed to mr10movie).

I mean, I'm happy to run a subreddit but I wouldn't know if you'd want to use /r/gregtech or /r/mechaenetia (would using /r/gregtech muddle things? I dunno, up to u really), I just mention cuz I've been a mod for /r/gregtech for 5 years and I'm apparently the only mod left so if anyone wants it for anything I'm game.

mechaenetia and gregtech are two different things so dont mix them up. ;)

I'm gonna head on IRC then and see if anyone wants to take the subreddit off my hands ๐Ÿ˜†

I hope this new game will be cool.

I don't know what else to say. Just do not let your game be like HL3 :)

Don't worry, I already confirmed the Game, so I am one step further than Valve. XD

Stale issue message

Ah so that GitHub Bot works at the very least, nice. Now we just need Greg to stop playing Factorio all the time instead of working and everything is fine.

So the Bot also closes Issues 8 days later for some reason. Lets see how long it takes after I reopen it. :D

Okay so it is an every 8 days thing. Meanwhile I am sitting here trying to distract myself from the global "flu that shall not be named", because everyone I live with is part of the group of people who could die from it, including myself, though I think my Asthma is not bad enough to have it affect me badly. (and luckily nobody got it yet either). ^^

I will totally not abuse the Bot as a reminder for posting here every now and then. Anyways, back to playing with the Atomic Artillery Mod in Factorio. The best way to use up all your Uranium.