
[Taunts] Empty files > No taunts

MikeNized opened this issue · 6 comments

Wishing to set only my custom taunts available, I erased the content of default.lua and create my own lua next to it.

An empty .lua taunt file = the taunt list doesn't fill up at all.

To solve my problem, I either have the choices to set my custom taunts into the default.lua OR just fill it with a comment line.

Not especially an issue since I solved it but I wished to let you know about it.

Do you get any errors in console? Taunt file load errors will appear in red?

Nah, it was just empty. The fill function didn't worked. I'll link you lua errors, when I finish what I'm doing

No lua errors displayed, client or serverside. It is just an empty list, just the All tab.

worked for me... No issues

I made a typo in the how-to-add-taunts.txt, if you placed it in lua/prophunter/taunts/ it won't load, you need to place it lua/prophunters/taunts/ or prophunters/gamemode/taunts/

Oh, my lua file works perfectly in gamemode/taunts/mycustomtaunts.lua.
It is just when, like I said, I erased the entire content of default.lua, it won't fill at all the taunt list, even if I have my lua taut list in the same folder.

Though, place a comment line like "-- Random comment" in default.lua instead of nothing fills the table with the rest of the lua files.

Copy your default file, rename it and empty completely the original default.lua and you will have the behaviour I was talking about.

If you don't reproduce it, I'll send you my files (and ingame screenshots), to show you what is the proper setup.