A collection similar to a queue(FIFO) that allows to
- overwrite the oldest entries (with the extra ability to act on the discarded entries)
- sample for some unique(random or not) entries from the collection
For a RL implementation, needed to sample from a cache of recent events, but didn't found something that will not shuffle the entire cache before spitting few items.
It allows to preset the random generator with a custom seed.
See the tests, but in principle is simple as:
Cache.create 2000 [0.0] // similar to python zero(2000)
|> Cache.insertSequence [1.0 .. 5000.0] // insert 5000 elements that are truncated to the last cache capacity 2000 in our case
|> Cache.insertSequence [5001.0 .. 10_000.0] // insert another 5000 elements that will retain the last 2000 entries (again the cache capacity)
|> Cache.sample 64 // sample 64 unique entries from that current cache
[00] 9352.0
[01] 8949.0
[02] 8030.0
[03] 8470.0
[04] 8151.0
[05] 8049.0
[06] 8882.0
[07] 9272.0
[08] 9430.0
[09] 8033.0
[10] 9354.0
[60] 8208.0
[61] 9787.0
[62] 8759.0
[63] 9644.0
use cartPole = new CartPoleEnv(AvaloniaEnvViewer.Factory)
let actionsCache = Cache.create actionsSize [0 .. actionsSize - 1] // creates a cache for actions
let replayBuffer =
seq {
let mutable observations = cartPole.Reset()
for i = 1 to minReplaySize do
let action = actionsCache |> Cache.sample 1 |> Seq.head // sampling just 1 item
let newObservations = cartPole.Step(action)
yield {| fromState = observations
action = action
reward = newObservations.Reward
toState = newObservations.Observation |}
if newObservations.Done
then observations <- cartPole.Reset()
else observations <- newObservations.Observation
|> Cache.create bufferSize // creating a cache that initially is filled with the first transition from sequence, then the rest of the sequence is added to the cache
let newTransitions =
|> Cache.sample 64 // take a batch of random 64 recorded transitions
|> Seq.map actThenUpdateOnlineValueThenReturnTransition
|> Cache.insertSequence newTransitions // insert new transitions in the cache (overwriting the oldest transitions in the cache if the capacity is exceeded)
If you want to store disposable items (like tensors) in the cache, there is a way to dispose the discarded entries on insert operations. See OnItemRemoved property of the Cache class (you can invoke an action like dispose/log/etc. for each discarded entry).
If you are a C# user then explore the API using intellisense on:
- Mecu.Sampler.sample static method
- Mecu.Cache class