
A Flutter Template to get started quickly 🎉

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Flutter Template by Med Redha

Coverage Status MIT license

  • Dependency injection (kiwi)
  • Network layer (dio)
  • Network logging (niddler, dio)
  • Viewmodels (provider)
  • Translations
  • Json serialization (json_serializable)
  • Different environments (dev/alpha/beta/prod)
  • Themes (oh yeah!)
  • Navigator
  • Linting (flutter analyze)

Update the translations

A custom dart program is used for updating the translations


Add your locale folder to your flutter config

    - assets/locale/

Command to run to update the translations

flutter packages pub run icapps_translations

Json Serializable & Kiwi

flutter packages pub run build_runner build
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
flutter packages pub run build_runner watch


--release is not available for emulators. Performance will be better

Dev, Debug

flutter run --flavor dev -t lib/main.dart

flutter run --release --flavor dev -t lib/main.dart


flutter run --flavor alpha -t lib/main_alpha.dart

flutter run --release --flavor alpha -t lib/main_alpha.dart


flutter run --flavor beta -t lib/main_beta.dart

flutter run --release --flavor beta -t lib/main_beta.dart

Prod, Release

flutter run --flavor prod -t lib/main_prod.dart

flutter run --release --flavor prod -t lib/main_prod.dart


To check your code matches our linting. The analysis_options.yaml contains all the code checks.

flutter analyze


In order to run the test we need to run

flutter test


Fastlane is used for building iOS and Android

Transform this template project

Rename this project

This script will run a dart script. The dart script itself will ask you some input to complete the full rename


Add provisioning files

place the provisioning profiles -> provision_profile/**
naming should be the same as provided in the iOS/Configuration/** files (underscore will be replaced with a space in the configuration files)


Configure the required languages in xCode


Obfuscation is enabled by default when using fastlane for building. The symbol files are stored in ./build/debug-info/#{options[:flavor]}

Important: Add the following regex to jenking configuration to also archive the symbol files



Replace the files in assets_launcher_icons/

You can also change the adaptive_icon_background in the flutter_launcher_icons-{flavor}.yaml (currently "#CB2E63") (only available for Android 8.0 devices and above)

After this, run the following command

flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main -f flutter_launcher_icons-dev.yaml

Common issues

No Flavor provided

Add a flavor to your configuration.


For question contact me or check Stackoverflow