
How to include audience segments for a strategy?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

What do I want to achieve?

For (e.g.) Strategy 1707441 I’d like to include the audience segment 14_Female_25-54_MaxComp through the API.

The id for that segment is 1645683btw , found that through non-SDK API call.

What have I tried?

strategy_targeting = t1.get(“strategies”, 1707441, child=”audience_segments”)
>>> strategy_targeting
<generator object _gen_classes at 0x10a8335a0>  
# It’s an empty generator btw

Why I expected a non-empty object is because when I do

strategy_targeting = t1.get(“strategies”, 1707441, child=”dma”)
>>> TargetDimension(_type='target_dimension', parent='strategies', parent_id=1707442, exclude=[], include=[TargetValue(_type=u'target_value',code=u'613', name=u'United States / Minnesota / Minneapolis-St. Paul', entity_type=u'target_value', id=362, …]
strategy_targeting[“include”] = [374, 455, 301]

This properly includes those 3 dma location targets on t1.

Also, the child name audience segments should be correct because

aud = t1.get("audience_segments",1645683,full=True)
>>> aud
AudienceSegment(_type=u'audience_segment', code=u'911000086', retail_cpm=0.0, created_on=datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 28, 10, 39, 43, tzinfo=FixedOffset(0)), taxonomy_id=229, parent_audience_segment_id=1645480, id=1645683, wholesale_cpm=0.0, name=u'14_Female_25-54_MaxComp', entity_type=u'audience_segment', audience_vendor_id=313, version=0, child_count=0, updated_on=datetime.datetime(2016, 9, 28, 10, 39, 43, tzinfo=FixedOffset(0)), type=u'custom', full_path=u'Quantcast Private - Reckitt Benckiser US - 14_Female_25-54_MaxComp', buyable=True)

I'm using the t1 sdk with commit state of f98f2a5.

FodT commented

There are no audience segments attached to that strategy. Are you looking to set up targeting through the SDK?

select count(*) from strategy_audience_segments where strategy_id = 1707441

screen shot 2017-01-03 at 14 02 43

Yes, I'm looking to put 14_Female_25-54_MaxComp in "included audience" on t1.

Fod: "afaik right now we dont actually support this at all".

For whoever runs into this problem again; the api call to do te desired is under Change the Audience Targeting of a Strategyon .

With payload e.g.:

{ "":1645683, "segments.1.restriction": "INCLUDE", "include_op":"OR", "exclude_op":"OR" }

Bit confusing imo to have to pass on segments.1.restriction as a string as dots are usually used for attributes of objects so expected the following was needed initially:

{ "segments": { 1: {"id": 1645683, "restriction": "INCLUDE"}}, "include_op":"OR", "exclude_op":"OR"}