
How to Advice admin

Opened this issue · 5 comments

In order to answer to visitor, the admin must look carefully at his support/admin page. Can this app advice the admin which has opened other windows that a chat is pending ? like the tool bar in skype or other method ?

I have added audio notification to the javascript code.

I can't received audio notification. In which version and file do you have added this notification ?

its not in the official repo yet.
I have done something like this.

to change_list.html add:

to live_support_admin.js add:
var $ = django.jQuery;

$(document).ready(function() {
soundHandle = document.getElementById('soundHandle');
soundHandle.src = '';;

@ionics, quote "to change_list.html add:" what do you add precisely in this file ?

Sorry! -> GITHUB website is broken and did not present my comment correctly. html content not displayed...

in change_list.html add:

<!audio id="soundHandle" style="display: none;" preload="auto"><!/audio>
(remove the "!" github is broken on commenting with html-tags.)
at a proper place at the bottom of the file.

sure you need to add your own audio file such as "attention.mp3" to make this work.
By the way: audio and video implementation is supported differently in browsers. (mostly bad. bugs like = short audio files not playing etc..)
We have tested it in Chrome, FF and Epiphany. Works well now.
Does not work for some mobile browsers on Android. Namely - Opera, Android Browser, FF on Android etc...

I don't know your javascript/jQuery config - so you have to know what you are doing to make
this luxury work.

good luck