
[Bug]: Resizable: Resizable not working using bootstrap5

Closed this issue · 1 comments

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Link to minimal reproduction or a simple code snippet

 <DataGrid TItem="TestResultSummary" Navigable Resizable ResizeMode="TableResizeMode.Columns"
             Data="@TRvm.TestResults.ToList()" @ref="TRvm.bgrid" RowClicked="async args => await SingleClickStaticPresenterRefresh(args)"
   @bind-SelectedRows=TRvm.SelectedTestResults RowDoubleClicked="async args => await StaticPresenterOpen(args)"
             SelectionMode="Blazorise.DataGrid.DataGridSelectionMode.Multiple" Bordered 
             RowContextMenu="@OnRowContextMenu" RowContextMenuPreventDefault="true"
             Class="custom-grid-class" Sortable SortMode="DataGridSortMode.Single" Filterable FilterMode="DataGridFilterMode.Menu" Responsive FixedHeader Virtualize>
   <DataGridMultiSelectColumn Width="200px"></DataGridMultiSelectColumn>
   <DataGridCommandColumn />
   <DataGridColumn DisplayOrder="1" Caption="#" Filterable="false" Sortable="false" TextAlignment="TextAlignment.Center" Editable="true" Width="150px">
           @(((TRvm.bgrid?.DisplayData.ToList().IndexOf(TRvm.bgrid?.DisplayData.Where(x => x.Id == context.Id).FirstOrDefault())) + 1))
      <DataGridColumn DisplayOrder="2" Field="Label" Caption="@Resources.Label" TextAlignment="TextAlignment.Start" SortComparer="new AEM.TDPU.DataModels.Comparer.TestResultSummaryLabelComparer()" Editable="true" Width="150px">


Steps to reproduce & bug description

In my web project, the resizable feature is not working despite adding all the required attributes in the code. I have included all necessary Bootstrap 5 links and installed the Bootstrap 5 package. Additionally, I have completed all the necessary configurations, but the functionality still isn't working as expected. Please suggest improvements to resolve this issue.

What is expected?

I expected the resizing functionality to work in my project after completing all the necessary configurations.

What is actually happening?

The resizing feature is not functioning properly in my project.

What browsers do you see the problem on?

No response

Any additional comments?

No response

Should be fixed with #5908