
Spectrum2.csv is missing from mstdump

idosch opened this issue · 0 comments


Spectrum2.csv is missing from mstdump, resulting in the following error when mstregdump is invoked on a Spectrum-2 system:

# mstregdump -v
mstregdump, mstflint 4.16.0, built on Apr  7 2021, 00:00:00. Git SHA Hash: N/A

# mstregdump 06:00.0
-E- Failed to open csv file : '/usr/share/mstflint/Spectrum2.csv'

Files for other Spectrum ASICs do exist:

# ls /usr/share/mstflint/Spectrum*.csv
/usr/share/mstflint/Spectrum3.csv  /usr/share/mstflint/Spectrum.csv
